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Guide for 5v5

Death knight 5v5 arena guide

Recommended Spec/Glyph for Death Knight

0/8/33 This spec picks up all the extra Runic power talents and some in impurity, constant Deathcoil damage is going to be your biggest source of DPS, chainsing for Runic Power and extra peeling/gap closing is going to be the main focus of your damage, DKs can have decent burst through storing Runic Power and unleashing the damage in a large chain of Silences and Stuns and Interrupts to land kills on people in arena.

Glyphs: Death coil, raise deadand Scourge Strike / icy touch

Major: Glyphs: AMS, Strangulate, Death grip (although these glyphs are optional

Minor: optional to play style

5v5 Combo

Cataclysm – the long awaited third expansion of the most popular MMORPG in the world, has finally arrived. With it, we have received numerous changes to classes, which have affected the entire experience of the World of Warcraft content, both PvE and PvP-wise. These changes however, do have a higher impact on the PvP aspect than on any other fields of WoW right now.

When it comes to PvP content we should discuss both battlegrounds (rated or unrated) and the arena. Arena has always represented the most refined part of PvP content and certainly the most exciting and dynamic part. With ten classes in game, each of them having three different specs, there is a vast number of setups you can play in the arena. Naturally, not all of them are viable, or even make sense, but there are some setups that run like a Swiss clock.

Seeing how the expansion has just started and we are not yet able to grasp all the possible setups we can certainly putt out some that work rather well. 5v5 arena is very versatile and requires high amount of teamwork in order to work well. Usually we can see some extended 3v3 setups and sometimes something that is brand new.
Classes that are very well represented in 5v5 arena are Warlocks, Mages, Shadow priests, Holy Paladins, Restoration Druids, Rogues, Warriors, Hunters, Elemental and restoration shamans.

Warlocks, shamans and death knights are a part of almost every team in the top 100 of the world.
There is a high amount of extended RMP teams in 5v5 bracket, usually with a holy paladin and a caster such as a warlock or elemental shaman. RMP (rogue mage priest) has always been one of the dominant teams in 3v3 arena now extended by or you can also say combined with a good spell cleave set up (mage paladin warlock) it upgrades this team with bit more burst damage and crowd control making it easy for them to defeat almost any opponent.

Second team that is often seen in 5v5 is a so called extended PHD (paladin hunter death knight) with a restoration shaman and a warlock. This set up was good in wrath of the lichking and it still works like a charm. In addition, you can replace a death knight with a warrior. I should probably mention that this is one of the rare setups where hunters fit in very good seeing how they are yet to be represented in other brackets (2v2 and 3v3).
Death knight, warrior, elemental shaman, restoration druid and a holy paladin is yet another good setups that you can run with a high amount of burst. Although you can swap elemental shaman with an enhancement, but you should always have at least one ranged dps in your team.

These were just some of the setups that you can run in 5v5 arena in Cataclysm, but keep your eyes open as new good setups are found every week. However, you can never go wrong with making a team with the well-represented classes I have previously listed, as long as you keep in mind that for a team to work you should usually go with two healers and three dps. Try to take two dps that work well together. If you are not sure check 3v3 team setups, you always want to have a high amount of burst damage combined with good crowd control and just enough survivability to make it work. Good luck!

guide against 5v5 set ups coming soon!

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